03 Mar 2017

What Goes Through Your Mind Whilst You’re Presenting? – Screenwise Tips

Every single presenter will experience a single moment of contemplation just before they utter their first words. What should you think about before your first moments? What should you reflect on?

Picture this. An audience arrives at a conference where a speaker will deliver a presentation that’s been months in the works. Somewhere else in the world, a board of directors are sitting down for an employee presentation that might change the business forever. On the other side of town news presenters patiently sit in front of the camera two minutes before airtime.

Then there’s you. You’re probably reading this and thinking about your next presentation and the audience that you will be addressing. You soon realise that you have more in common with those that are about to deliver a presentation as we speak.
Presentations might seem easy when viewed from the audience’s perspective – but there’s much more than meets the eye. We’ve outlined a few things that run through a presenters mind whilst they are on stage or in front of the camera:

– Did I prepare myself?
– Hold those nerves, keep your focus
– Who am I talking to?
– Stop moving around
– Slow down
– Connect with one person
– Be yourself!

Presenting skills are a prerequisite for reality based TV programs. This Screenwise Presenting Course covers a variety of presentation styles, including children, lifestyle, infotainment, travel, vox pops and interview.
Presenting to Camera.

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