08 Mar 2019

5 Ways to Master Your Public Speaking Skills – Screenwise Tips

If there’s one area where confidence matters in the corporate world, it’s public speaking.

Motivational speakers the likes of Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn have shown how powerful and convincing a speech can be presented. They are able to deliver their message with absolute conviction and people take notice of this. It takes more than a few memorised lines to inspire an audience. Instead, you need to prepare extensively, apply the right presenting techniques and how to connect with your audience.
This blog post provides advice and information to those interested in corporate presenting and how to gain confidence and master the delivery of their speech. It is divided into five steps that will turn you into a confident public speaker.

1. A positive outlook can make a significant difference
A positive attitude comes a long way and is directly linked to your level of confidence. You want to get your message across effectively and a starting point should be your personal outlook. Being nervous is a common challenge but one that is quite simple to overcome. In fact, all you need to know are your goals and then convince yourself that you can achieve those. If you have invested enough time and preparation, you just need to let yourself know that you possess the knowledge and skills to deliver a powerful speech. With the right attitude, you can easily improve your confidence.

2. Visualize success
Another way of boosting your confidence is picturing yourself giving a speech before it’s due. Imagine yourself delivering a speech that you are really happy with. Zoom into what you feel made this speech successful in the first place. Is it something as simple as feeling prepared and knowledgeable about the presentation contents? The idea behind it is for you to keep repeating visualising your presentation until you’re able to convince yourself that the actual speech will be equally good.

3. Communicate the right message across
You need to know what you want to communicate to your audience. Otherwise your speech will be lacking structure and straightforwardness. You can practice this by creating a list of 2-3 bullet points that highlight the key takeaways of your presentation. This will allow you to design your speech around the key points of your presentation in a clear and concise fashion.

4. Rid yourself of any anxiety
Once your speech is prepared and you have your mind set for a successful outcome, it is important to clear your mind of any remaining anxiety. This will ensure that you are as relaxed as possible for your presentation. We recommend doing this just before the speech. The most effective way of relieving anxiety is by deep breathing. It takes some practice but once you have mastered it, a few inhales and exhales will calm your breath and mind.

5. Inspire your audience
If you want your speech to be successful, you need to connect with your audience from the get-go. Engage your audience by asking questions and making regular eye contact with them. A great way of practicing this, is rehearsing your speech in front of friends or family members. They can give you feedback on your delivery and make sure that you are comfortable while presenting.

Screenwise Corporate Classes are ideal for those who encounter day-to-day communications with a range of stakeholders to achieve organisational objectives. From presenting at events to important company board meetings, Screenwise Corporate classes help you communicate your objectives with authentic and confident presentations every time.

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