
Denny Lawrence

Denny Lawrence has worked in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, U.K. and USA as an actor, writer, producer and director in film, theatre, radio and television. He has degrees from both the National Institute of Dramatic Art and the Australian Film & Television School and he also studied with Stella Adler.

His screen credits include four feature films, numerous telemovies and miniseries and literally hundreds of hours of television.

Many of his productions have won awards, including at the Australian Film Institute (AACTA) and BAFTA.  His production, the series MDA, gained an International Emmy Award nomination and won an AFI Award for Best Series and Best Actor and Actress.

He also has extensive teaching experience in the areas of Acting, Directing and Screenwriting including New York University’s Kanbar Institute of Film and Television where he was Executive Director of Television & Acting and Directing Studies.

Denny teaches

Six-Weeks Part-Time

The Advanced Series Acting Courses Sydney

Providing actors with the advanced technical skills to enhance their creative toolkit and drive their craft to that next level.

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